Spring Car Care Tips

Spring has officially arrived in Aurora! But that doesn’t mean your vehicle is in the clear – changing seasons means it’s time for maintenance to make sure your vehicle will keep you safely and comfortable on the road through the spring and summer. As we kick off National Car Care Month, here are 8 things … Read more

Don’t Ignore that you just Hit a Curb!

Winter roads are slick in Aurora, and across Colorado. As you drive along snowy, icy roads this winter, use extra caution to remain in control of your vehicle to avoid slides and skids. At Chase Automotive, we’ve seen many of our customers’ vehicles suffer damage from sliding into a curb on slick winter roads. Even … Read more

Drive Safely With These Defensive Driving Tips

Being an alert, attentive driver is a great place to start when it comes to avoiding accidents, but driving defensively is the key to staying safe on the road. We’ve compiled a few defensive driving tips to help you avoid accidents and have a more pleasant driving experience. Mirrors and Seat – Having a 360 … Read more

Don’t Forget to Flush! Auto Repair Tip

The fluids in your vehicle are what give it life—without them, you wouldn’t be able to move your car one inch, much less start it. It’s important to make sure these fluids are clean and at the correct level to ensure your car’s running smoothly. Just like your body needs to stay properly hydrated to … Read more