AC Repair: What You Should Look For

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been blasting the AC in your car all summer, and, after parking in the sun on a hot day, you hop into your vehicle, turn the ignition and wait for a wave of coolness to pour out of your AC unit—but it doesn’t. Instead, a harsh rush of … Read more

Car Care Tips: Rotating Your Tires

Tires can sustain up to 20 percent more wear when they are rotated regularly. Not only will this save you gas money, but rotating your tires will also help your tires last longer. For uniform tire wear, it is suggested that a vehicle’s tires are rotated every 6,000 miles as part of your preventive maintenance … Read more

Preventative Maintenance

If you’ve visited us in Aurora and heard our auto repair employees talk about how important preventive maintenance is. If you’re not quite sure what to think of it, watch this clip which thoroughly explains what preventive maintenance is and why your car needs it so badly: Definition of Preventive Maintenance — powered by ehow

Regular Oil Changes Could Save You Thousands

If you’re like many Americans and regularly use your vehicle, it can seem like oil changes are constantly on your to-do list. Besides, why do you have an Aurora Oil Change every 3,000 miles, anyway? Though it may not seem as though 3,000 miles isn’t enough to warrant an oil change, based on the facts, … Read more

Diesel Maintenance and Repair

Truckers have traditionally preferred diesels for their reliable, tough, easy-to-maintain traits that accompany them—and that’s why many other car buyers have gone for them, too. Aurora Diesel are designed so the owner of the vehicle can easily and cheaply maintain the vehicle themselves without having to spend too much time or money at your Aurora … Read more

Auto Fluid Flushes at a Repair Shop

Does my fluid really have to be flushed? Do I really have to change my oil so often? Can’t these things wait a little longer? Perhaps they can—in fact, you could probably drive a little longer without sustaining any lasting damage to your vehicle. But the truth is every mile you go without having preventative … Read more

Winter Vehicle Preparation

Do you feel that? An ominous presence is sweeping across the country; do you know what it is? Of course that would be the frigid winter season that will soon be upon us. With that in mind, there are some steps one can take to ensure that your car will be able to survive the … Read more