AC Repair: What You Should Look For

Has this ever happened to you? You’ve been blasting the AC in your car all summer, and, after parking in the sun on a hot day, you hop into your vehicle, turn the ignition and wait for a wave of coolness to pour out of your AC unit—but it doesn’t. Instead, a harsh rush of … Read more

Car Care Tips: Rotating Your Tires

Tires can sustain up to 20 percent more wear when they are rotated regularly. Not only will this save you gas money, but rotating your tires will also help your tires last longer. For uniform tire wear, it is suggested that a vehicle’s tires are rotated every 6,000 miles as part of your preventive maintenance … Read more

Drive Safely With These Defensive Driving Tips

Being an alert, attentive driver is a great place to start when it comes to avoiding accidents, but driving defensively is the key to staying safe on the road. We’ve compiled a few defensive driving tips to help you avoid accidents and have a more pleasant driving experience. Mirrors and Seat – Having a 360 … Read more

Auto Repair Tips: Why ASE-Certified Technicians Matter

If you were a football coach, you wouldn’t get someone off the street to be your quarterback. You’d look for someone who has the experience and knowhow to help you succeed. The same goes for repairing your car. You wouldn’t take your vehicle to a random auto repair shop near Aurora when there’s a problem … Read more

Preventative Maintenance

If you’ve visited us in Aurora and heard our auto repair employees talk about how important preventive maintenance is. If you’re not quite sure what to think of it, watch this clip which thoroughly explains what preventive maintenance is and why your car needs it so badly: Definition of Preventive Maintenance — powered by ehow

Stay Green without a Hybrid

As much as some of us would love to have a hybrid, for many it’s just not in the books. However, your local Aurora Auto Repair shop is here with some tops to help you stay green and environmentally conscience this upcoming season. From commuting advice to gas-saving tips, your reliable Aurora Diesel shop is … Read more

Summer Pre-Trip Inspection

Now that summer is upon us, I’m sure some are excited to get out of town via an old-fashioned road trip to clear our minds! Whether you’re going to the beach, the mountains, or perhaps to Grandma’s house across the way, you need to make sure your vehicle is up for the task. The solution? … Read more

Answer to Facebook Question of the Day 2

When you have this cleaning service performed on your vehicle, you’ll get better gas mileage, a restored performance, and reduced exhaust emissions! What am I? A: MotorVac CarbonClean Service! Want more safe driving and preventive maintenance tips, fun facts, and special offers? Join the conversation on Facebook

Don’t Forget to Flush! Auto Repair Tip

The fluids in your vehicle are what give it life—without them, you wouldn’t be able to move your car one inch, much less start it. It’s important to make sure these fluids are clean and at the correct level to ensure your car’s running smoothly. Just like your body needs to stay properly hydrated to … Read more

When was the Last Time you inspected Your Tires?

Not only is it the safe thing to do, but regularly checking your tires is the smart thing to do. A key to saving money and gas mileage lies in properly maintained tires, which can be simple and cost-effective. Here are a few easy tips that will keep you safe and your tires on the … Read more