Replace Tires

Extend the Life of Your Tires

How does one decide whether they have worn-in tires or you’re-on-borrowed-time tires? The official recommendation is to replace tires when the tread is worn to a level of 2/32 of an inch. Okay, great. Now – how best to get a measuring tape between your tread? No need for that. Just grab a penny. A … Read more

brake failure

Don’t Skip Out On Car Maintenance!

Almost everyone is trying to save money these days. But avoiding having your vehicle inspected and investing in preventative maintenance, especially when there are signs of a problem, can be a costly mistake! Many of the extensive car repairs that our experienced technicians at Chase Automotive perform could have been avoided. We see many cars … Read more

spark plugs

The Importance of Spark Plugs

In order for your gas-powered vehicle to run, it requires proper ignition to start the chain reaction that leads to engine propulsion and the ability to drive. Your ignition system contains several key components, all of which contribute to the process of detonating fuel in order to convert compression into energy and propel your vehicle … Read more

road trips

Get Ready for Summer Road Trips!

Now that summer has officially arrived in Colorado and social distancing restrictions are being relaxed, drivers throughout the state are starting to plan their seasonal road trips. Before you and your car hit the road to journey to new & exciting destinations or favorite vacation spots, here are a few things to keep in mind … Read more

diy air conditioning

Why To Avoid DIY Air Conditioning Recharge Kits

Now that the summer is almost here, one of the more popular things for car owners to try to do themselves is to recharge their auto air conditioning unit with a store-bought recharge kit. While this may seem for the typical owner to almost be too good to be true, let us tell you some … Read more

Oil Loss

Change Your Oil!

Changing your vehicle’s oil is one of the most basic services your can have performed and also one of the most important. Here are a few oil change factoids to consider during National Car Care Month: • Many people overlook checking the oil level in their car and just think they have to change it … Read more

tire check

Spring Tire Check

Spring weather can often create unpredictable road conditions on the roads in Aurora. Before you hit the roads this month, take five minutes to perform a quick tire check and make sure your vehicle’s tires are ready for any challenge they might be forced to contend with: Check your tire pressure. Swings in the temperature … Read more


Ignition System Failure Warning Signs

In order to ignite fuel and turn the motor over, gas-powered vehicles are reliant upon an effective ignition system. If the ignition process doesn’t go smoothly or isn’t functioning properly, your vehicle won’t be able to operate correctly and may fail its next emission test. The vast majority of modern ignition systems are comprised of … Read more

emergency brake

Why Brake Fluid is Critical

When it comes to your safety while driving, it doesn’t get much more important than your vehicle’s braking system. For this vital system to work properly, it requires each and every one of its parts to be working in sync and running smoothly – a feat which is dependent upon your brake fluid being healthy … Read more


Washing Your Car in the Winter

As Coloradans know all too well, driving during the winter months in this part of the country can be problematic to say the least. Snow, mud, ice – our roads bear the brunt of Old Man Winter’s fury and our vehicles can be collateral damage during his chilly reign. In addition to the inherent dangers … Read more