emergency brake

Why Brake Fluid is Critical

When it comes to your safety while driving, it doesn’t get much more important than your vehicle’s braking system. For this vital system to work properly, it requires each and every one of its parts to be working in sync and running smoothly – a feat which is dependent upon your brake fluid being healthy … Read more


Washing Your Car in the Winter

As Coloradans know all too well, driving during the winter months in this part of the country can be problematic to say the least. Snow, mud, ice – our roads bear the brunt of Old Man Winter’s fury and our vehicles can be collateral damage during his chilly reign. In addition to the inherent dangers … Read more


Common Problems with Coolant/Antifreeze

Your vehicle’s coolant flows through the engine to keep everything running at the appropriate temperature. Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is mixed with water in the radiator at a precise ratio to create radiator fluid. The chemical fluid prevents the water in the engine from freezing on cold days while at the same time preventing … Read more

gas mileage

Improve Your MPG This Winter

Winter is right around the corner and before your car is bombarded with snow, sludge and cold weather, check out these tips to help improve your gas mileage and save you some money at the pump while you navigate the roads in Aurora. 1. The next time you have your oil changed, have the air … Read more

tire check

Time for New Tires?

Tires looking worn? Pick up a penny! How does one decide whether they have worn-in tires or you’re-on-borrowed-time tires? The official recommendation is to replace tires when the tread is worn to a level of 2/32 of an inch. Okay, great. Now – how best to get a measuring tape between your tread? No need … Read more

road trips

Spring Break Road Trip Tips

Driving around Aurora, the grass may be brown and the trees have no leaves, but Spring is coming! In unpredictable Colorado weather, we have sunny days and snow storms in the same week. It might not feel like it yet, but Spring is only a few weeks away. If you are considering a Spring Break … Read more

Tips for Avoiding Holiday Traffic

The second half of December and first week or so of January typically include some of the busiest days of the year in terms of both travel and traffic. When you add that level of volume with the element of unpredictable weather/road conditions like we tend to get here in the Centennial State and throughout … Read more

Check your Headlights

In addition to offering drivers no shortage of challenges when it comes to weather-related conditions, the season known as WINTER also makes things tough by making general visibility tough by greatly increasing the amount of darkness Coloradans are forced to deal with. Once Daylight Savings ends, night seems to come immediately at the end of … Read more

The Computer Rode Shotgun

Cell phones, washing machines, refrigerators… pretty much anything and everything that we plug into an outlet these days seems to have its own computer. This now includes your vehicle. Every automobile being produced nowadays comes standard with at least one onboard computer. Car computers aren’t quite the same as the PCs/laptops we use at home … Read more

Auto Air Conditioning Repair

I’m sure many of you have had this happen to you. You’ve been driving your car all summer long using the car air conditioning to it’s fullest all the time. Then you park your car in the hot sun for the day, get in your car start it, only to find that your AC doesn’t … Read more